护照姓名 Passport Name |
姓/Family Name: |
Photo照片 |
名/Given Name: |
中文姓名/Name In Chinese: |
宗教/Religion: |
国籍/Nationality: 护照号码/Passport No.: 出生地点/Place of Birth: |
出生日期/Date of Birth: 性别/Sex: |
婚否/Marital Status: 未婚/Single □ 已婚/Married □ |
职业Occupation: |
最后学历/Highest Academic Degree Obtained: |
是否学习过汉语?(Have you ever studied Chinese Language): 是/Yes □ 否/No □ |
HSK考试等级 (如果有请填写) / Level of HSK Test (If appropriate ): |
工作和学习单位/Employer or Institution Affiliated: |
本国家庭地址和电话/National home add.& Tel.: |
在华事务担保人和电话/Guarantor in China & Tel.: |
推荐单位和电话/Reference & Tel.: |
二.申请人亲属(Family Members)
姓名/Name |
职业/ Occupation |
电话/Tel |
Email |
父亲/Father |
母亲/Mother |
配偶/Spouse |
三.学习计划 (StudyPlan )
申请类别 / Category |
本科生 /Undergraduate□ 硕士生 /Master’s Degree candidate□ 博士生 /Doctor’s Degree candidate□ 普通进修生/General Scholar□ 汉语进修生/Chinese Language Student□ |
来华学习专业/ Field of Study in China |
学习时间/Duration of study: |
年/y 月/m 至(to) 年/y 月/m |
四.经费来源 (Source of Funding)
奖学金Scholarship□ ; 校际交流University Exchange□ 自费Self-supporting□ ; 其他Other□ ; |
经济担保人或机构/Financial support will be provided by: |
五.申请人保证(I hereby affirm that)
(1)上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的 All the information I provided above is true and correct. (2)在校学习期间遵守中国政府的法规和学校的规章和制度 I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese Government and the regulations of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics. 申请人签字/Applicant’s Signature____________________ 日期/Date |
六.申请人在递送本申请表的同时,请提交/Please send with this form 1)最高学历证书复印件。中、英文以外文本需提供公证过的中文或英文翻译件。/An official certificate of your highest education (or notarized photocopy in Chinese /English) 2)成绩单复印件。中、英文以外文本还需提供公证过的中文或英文翻译件。/An official transcripts (or notarized photocopy in Chinese /English) 3)汉语水平考试证书(简称HSK证书)复印件。/Copy of an official HSK Test Score 4)申请人近期照片3张。/ 3 photos 5)护照复印件。/Copy of your passport |